* 3 months *

My girl is 3 months!!!! How crazy is that?

When you look at her you think, it’s a boy just because she’s dressed in blue. Well I’m defying stereotypes and I’m dressing my girl in all colours.

Age: 3 months + 1 day

Weight: 6kg (my girl was born 2.95kg and now 6kg….she’s growing fast)

Poop: finally I can say her poops are yellow again!

Feeding: exclusively breastfed

Vitamins: my girl is taking multivitamin drops with vitamin d. The reason is, because I’m breastfeeding. While breast milk is the best source of nutrients for babies, it likely won’t provide enough vitamin D. Your baby needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Too little vitamin D can cause rickets, a softening and weakening of bones. Since sun exposure — an important source of vitamin D — isn’t recommended for babies, supplements are the best way to prevent vitamin D deficiency.

New this week: I’ve noticed my girl is sucking her fist really intensively. Another thing is that my baby want to sit up!!! Everytime either me or my husband holding her she’s pushing her head forward trying to sit! I don’t know if it’s too early or not.

Sleeping: my girl sleeps at night! Like I’ve mentioned before I’ve tried to establish some sort of routine. For now my routine is working and she’s falling asleep within an hour after turning the lights off and the playing lullabies.

How long she’s sleeping-it depends. Once she will sleep 5-6hrs, other time only 3hrs and waking up for feed. Then on and off until 7 and falling asleep around 9 again. I’m so used to it my body and mind getting enought of sleep.

Tummy time: my girl hates tummy time. She’s ok for maximum 6 minutes and she starts to cry. No matter how hard I will try for her to stay on her tummy she’s not having none of this. So I got different tricks behind my sleeve which help her to exercise neck and back muscles. One is beeing on my tummy. I lay her down on my belly and she’s lifting her head up looking at me and laughing. It’s so cute my eyes are watery.

Not looking forward to: on Monday is my girls second immunisation injection. I had a really bad experience from last time and I don’t know if I will be able handle her crying again. It’s so draining and painful to watch I don’t know how I will do it.

Must buy: since my girl was born she was sleeping in a swaddle cover bought by my mum. It’s super comfy, warm and got Velcro to keep it tight. But because my girl is big now I had to find other solution. I don’t like duvets so I’ve found this baby sleeping bag with a pillow and zips. It’s so comfy and it won’t cover her face during the night so I can sleep confident that nothing will happen. Of course every single sound she’s making I’m up hahahaha. It cost me £12 and it’s amazing. It’s a polish website and it’s available in UK. If anyone wish to know the details let me know.

5 thoughts on “* 3 months *

    1. To be honest…10 minutes are great! Mine is 16 weeks now and she still hates tummy time. All I can recommend is either trying to do it on your tummy(tummy-tummy), on your knees(tummy side), rolling over (with breaks on a tummy) and superman (put your baby on your shins and lift your legs up like for aeroplane) all of those until your baby is happy.

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